How to lock phone borrowers inside one app?
Lock phone borrowers inside one app
What happens when you want to lend a friend or young family member your phone—but don’t want them rooting through your private information or posting to your social media accounts? Screen pinning lets you be generous without giving up your privacy. Pinning one app to the screen means that your phone will only run that app until someone enters the lock screen code again. Essentially, the user won’t be able to access any other parts of your phone without your code.
Screen pinning is easy to set up. Open Settings, go to the Security menu, and enable screen pinning. Once you’ve turned on the feature, launch the app your friend needs to use. Then open Overview by tapping the square navigation button below the phone screen. On the window for the most recently opened app, you should see a pin icon (it looks like a little thumbtack) in the lower right-hand corner. Tap the pin button to pin that app to the screen.
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